Dreams of Mega's life!!!

Kamis, 18 September 2008

A letter for the best person in my life


please give me
your advices about anything
for my future
if you still
love me...

i really admire
when yougive me
advice for the firts time...

you are really
smart, generoyus, progressive
and exactly

sorry dear...
there's no poetry for you
i can't make it
i just want to say in my heart
that i love you
will be waiting for you

nasehat kalian
bagaikan bunga
dari surga
yang mengantarkanku kesana.

1 komentar:

Mega Mustika mengatakan...

Temen-temen yang mau beli accesories cantik
kayak gelang, kalung, bisa pesen aja sama mega. harganya mUrah Lho!!! lucu-lucu lagi!!!